
the london eye中文是什么意思

  • 伦敦眼



  • 例句与用法
  • He left with some bird . said something about the london eye
  • Ben : well , i thought that we should take a ride on the london eye . how does that sound
    嗯,我觉得我们应该先去乘坐“伦敦眼” 。怎么样?
  • Mr . li : what ' s the london eye ? that sounds strange ! how can you take a ride on an eye
  • Draw pictures of the london eye , big ben and the british museum . introduce them to their parents
  • I went to russell square , london bridge , and i saw the london eye and the national museum
  • From big ben to the london eye , from edinburgh castle to the edinburgh international arts festival - there is something for everyone
    不论是游览大本钟还是伦敦眼,参观爱丁堡古堡还是参加爱丁堡的国际艺术节- - - -应有尽有,人人尽兴。
  • The designers include zaha hadid architects the first woman to win the pritzker prize for architecture in its 26 year history and marks barfield , the creators of the london eye
    年的历史中第一位获得此殊荣的女性设计师) ,伦敦眼的设计者
  • Since opening at the turn of the century , the london eye has become an iconic landmark , with a status that can be compared to tower bridge , big ben , and the tower of london
  • The planned berlin wheel would be higher than the london eye , which claims to be the world ' s tallest observation wheel at 135 metres , according to its web site
    该建造计划官方网站的资料显示,这座拟议中的柏林摩天轮的高度将会超过大名鼎鼎的“伦敦眼” ,并号称是当今世界上最高的观光摩天轮。
  • The planned berlin wheel would be higher than the london eye , which claims to be the world s tallest observation wheel at 135 metres , according to its web site
    该建造计划官方网站的资料显示,这座拟议中的柏林摩天轮的高度将会超过大名鼎鼎的“伦敦眼” ,并号称是当今世界上最高的观光摩天轮。
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